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Alfa Medical
265 Post Ave
Westbury, NY 11590
Email us 1-800-801-9934
Fax 516-977-7434
Europe (UK #) 44-203-411-9907 International 516-301-5567

General Information

State of Minnesota
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Subpart 1. Instruments. Razors, shears, combs, clipper blades, hairbrush, and all other instruments or appliances that come in contact with the head, neck, or face must be thoroughly
cleaned and sanitized by submersion for a minimum of two minutes after use on each patron. As an alternative to submersion, clipper blades and shears may be treated by spraying them with a
commercial spray containing active ingredients not less than 0.25 percent o-phenyl phenol, 11.00 percent isopropyl alcohol, and 88.75 percent inert ingredients. As an extra measure,
instruments may be wiped or sprayed with a solution of 10:1 household bleach before being used. When not in use, they must be kept in a clean closed compartment provided for and used only for storage of instruments. Styptic pencil and lump alum are positively prohibited. Contact with raw blood or body fluids should be avoided. If accidentally exposed, immediate washing
with soap and running water is required.

Subp. 2. Sanitizer. All barber shops and barber schools shall have in use at all times at each chair a wet or dip sanitizer which is adequate in size to accommodate all instruments to be used on each patron. The wet sanitizer shall contain a suitable chemical bactericide solution which shall be bacteriologically effective, such as 0.1 percent suitable quaternary ammonium compound, or by other means having a solution equivalent to five percent phenol, or other chemical
sanitizing agent having equivalent bactericidal effect. The chemical solution shall be changed daily or more often, as needed.

One dip disinfectant solution container will be kept for each barber chair in operation. Instruments immersed in the dip disinfectant solution container will be carefully rinsed in warm
running water before use. Failure to provide a sink or dip disinfectant solution container constitutes prima facie evidence that instruments are not properly sanitized.

At least one sink or lavatory must be provided in each room, booth, stall, compartment, or the immediate area in which barbers work. If more than two barber chairs are in any room,
booth, stall, or compartment, at least one sink or lavatory must be provided for each two barber chairs at which the barbers work. Each barber must have free access to the sink or lavatory
without obstruction from other chairs, partitions, wall dividers, or other barriers.





For assistance call and ask for
Andy, Miriam, Andrea, Joan, Shlomo,
Chuck, Ermani, James, or Alin
Email Us
