COSMETOLOGY 2100.8100 SANITIZATION. Subpart 1. Instruments. Razors, shears, combs, clipper
blades, hairbrush, and all other instruments or appliances that
come in contact with the head, neck, or face must be thoroughly
Subp. 2. Sanitizer. All barber shops and barber schools
shall have in use at all times at each chair a wet or dip sanitizer
which is adequate in size to accommodate all instruments to be used
on each patron. The wet sanitizer shall contain a suitable chemical
bactericide solution which shall be bacteriologically effective,
such as 0.1 percent suitable quaternary ammonium compound, or by
other means having a solution equivalent to five percent phenol,
or other chemical One dip disinfectant solution container will be kept
for each barber chair in operation. Instruments immersed in the
dip disinfectant solution container will be carefully rinsed in
warm At least one sink or lavatory must be provided in
each room, booth, stall, compartment, or the immediate area in which
barbers work. If more than two barber chairs are in any room,
For assistance call and ask for
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