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Alfa Medical
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Westbury, NY 11590
Email us 1-800-801-9934
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645—63.12(157) Disinfecting nonelectrical instruments and equipment.
63.12(1) Before use upon a client, all nonelectrical instruments shall be disinfected by an EPAregistered
disinfectant with demonstrated bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal activity and used according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.
a. All disinfected instruments shall be stored in a clean, covered place.
b. All instruments that have been used on a client or soiled in any manner shall be placed in a
proper receptacle.
63.12(2) If the nonelectrical instruments and equipment specified in this rule are sterilized in accordance
with the requirements outlined in rule 645—63.15(157), the requirements of this rule shall be
645—63.13(157) Disinfecting electrical instruments. Clippers shall be disinfected prior to each use
with an EPA-registered disinfectant with demonstrated bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal activity
and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
645—63.14(157) Instruments and supplies that cannot be disinfected. All instruments and supplies
that come into direct contact with a patron and cannot be disinfected, for example, cotton pads,
sponges, emery boards, and neck strips, shall be disposed of in a closed waste receptacle immediately
after use.
645—63.15(157) Sterilizing instruments. Before use upon a patron in schools and salons, each electrolysis
needle or tweezers and comedone extractor shall be first cleaned with detergent and water and
then sterilized by one of the following methods:
1. Steam sterilizer, registered and listed with the FDA and used according to the manufacturer’s
2. Dry heat sterilizer, registered and listed with the FDA and used according to the manufacturer’s
instructions; or
3. Sterilization equipment, calibrated to ensure that it reaches the temperature required by
manufacturer’s instructions.
645—63.16(157) Sanitary method for creams, cosmetics, dusters and styptics.
63.16(1) Creams and cosmetics used for patrons must be kept in closed, labeled containers. All
creams, makeups and other semisolid substances shall be removed from containers with a clean, sanitized
applicator. Applicators made of a washable, nonabsorbent material shall be sanitized before being
used again. Applicators made of wood shall be discarded after one use.
63.16(2) The use of a styptic pencil is strictly prohibited; its presence in the workplace shall be prima
facie evidence of its use. Any material used to stop the flow of blood shall be used in liquid or
powder form.





For assistance call and ask for
Andy, Miriam, Andrea, Joan, Shlomo,
Chuck, Ermani, James, or Alin
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