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State of Indiana
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Rule 1. Sanitary and Equipment Requirements for Cosmetology Salons, Electrology Salons, Manicurist Salons, and
Cosmetology Schools
820 IAC 3-1-1 Scope

820 IAC 3-1-3 Sterilizers
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 3. (a) There must be at least one (1) operable wet sterilizer and at least one (1) operable dry sterilizer on the premises.
(b) Each work station must have at least:
(1) one (1) operable wet sterilizer; or
(2) one (1) operable dry sterilizer.

820 IAC 3-1-6 Sterilization of instruments
Sec. 6. All instruments shall be properly sterilized.

820 IAC 3-1-12 Electrology; cleanliness
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 12. (a) All instruments, needles, and tweezers used by an electrologist shall be sterilized prior to use on a customer.
(b) Sterilization required under subsection (a) shall be as follows:

(1) Before putting into a sterilizer, needles/probes must be precleaned using a clean cotton ball moistened with a low residue
detergent and cool water or a solution having at least seventy percent (70%) alcohol.

(2) Precleaning of needles/probes may also be accomplished by cleaning in an ultrasonic cleaning unit used according to
manufacturer's instructions.

(3) After precleaning, needles/probes should be rinsed thoroughly and dried.

(4) Sterilization must be accomplished by means of a dry heat sterilizer in which the instruments are heated to three hundred
forty degrees Fahrenheit (340E F) for two (2) hours or by means of steam autoclave sterilizer in which the instruments are
subjected to saturated steam at the pressure of fifteen (15) pounds per square inch for thirty (30) minutes at two hundred fifty
degrees Fahrenheit (250E F).
(c) An electrologist or electrology student in a cosmetology school shall:
(1) wash his or her hands in fresh water with germicidal soap immediately before serving each customer; and
(2) while serving customers, wear gloves which must be disposed after use during the service of one (1) customer.
(d) The chair and table where a customer is receiving electrology services shall have clean coverings.
(e) There shall be a clean draping between the electrologist and the customer during an electrology session.

820 IAC 3-1-14 Electrology equipment; salons
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 14. (a) Electrology salons or cosmetology salons practicing electrology shall have the following equipment:
10) At least one (1) steam autoclave sterilizer or at least one (1) dry heat sterilizer.
(16) At least one (1) bottle for skin sanitizing agent.
(17) At least one (1) bottle of residue detergent or one (1) bottle of solution having at least seventy percent (70%) alcohol.

820 IAC 3-1-15 Manicurist; cleanliness
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 15. (a) All instruments used by a manicurist or manicurist student in a cosmetology school shall be sterilized prior to use
on a customer.
(b) Sterilization required under subsection (a) shall be as follows:
(1) Before putting into a sterilizer, instruments shall be precleaned using a clean cotton ball moistened with a low residue
detergent and cool water or a solution having at least seventy percent (70%) alcohol.
(2) After cleaning, instruments shall be rinsed thoroughly and dried.
(3) Sterilization shall be accomplished by means of wet sterilizer, according to manufacturer's specifications.
(c) A manicurist or manicurist student in a cosmetology school shall do the following:

820 IAC 3-1-16 Manicurist equipment; salons
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 16. (a) Manicurist salons or cosmetology salons practicing manicuring shall have the following equipment:
(5) At least one (1) wet sterilizer..

820 IAC 3-2-3 Sterilizers
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 3. There must be:
(1) at least one (1) operable cold sterilizer; and
(2) at least one (1) of the following:
(A) One (1) operable steam autoclave sterilizer; or
(B) One (1) operable dry heat sterilizer;
on the premises. (State Board of Cosmetology Examiners; 820 IAC 3-2-3; filed Dec 3, 1991, 11:00 a.m.: 15 IR 567; readopted filed
May 22, 2001, 9:56 a.m.: 24 IR 3236)

820 IAC 3-2-9 Esthetics; cleanliness
Authority: IC 25-8-3-23
Affected: IC 25-8
Sec. 9. (a) All instruments including forceps, comedone extractors, tweezers, brushes, and facial rollers used by an esthetician
or esthetics student in a cosmetology school shall be sterilized prior to use on a customer.
(b) Sterilization required under subsection (a) shall be as follows:
(1) Instruments shall be washed in a low residue detergent and rinsed prior to sterilization.
(2) Instruments shall be cleaned by cold sterilization using an effective disinfectant, used according to manufacturer’s instructions.
(3) High frequency wands shall be cleaned using an effective disinfectant, used according to manufacturer’s instructions.
(4) Forceps, tweezers, and comedone extractors shall be sterilized using a steam autoclave or a dry heat sterilizer.
(5) All instruments other than those instruments under subdivision (4) shall be sterilized by means of a disinfectant, a steam
autoclave, or a dry heat sterilizer.
(6) Sterilization shall be accomplished by placing instruments in one (1) or both of the following:

Indiana Administrative Code Page 8
(A) A cold sterilizer using an effective disinfectant, according to manufacturer’s instructions.
(B) A steam autoclave sterilizer in which the instruments are subjected to saturated steam of the pressure of fifteen (15)
pounds per square inch for thirty (30) minutes at two hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (250E F).
(C) A dry heat sterilizer in which instruments are heated for two (2) hours at three hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit
(340E F).
(c) An esthetician or esthetics student in a cosmetology school shall do the following:
(1) Wash his or her hands in fresh water with germicidal soap (antimicrobiotic) immediately before serving each customer.
(2) When extracting blackheads, milia, or comedones, wear protective gloves which must be disposed after use during the
service of one (1) customer.
(d) The chair and table where a customer is receiving esthetician services shall have clean coverings.
(e) There shall be a secured draping between the esthetician or esthetics student in a cosmetology school and the customer
during an esthetics session.
(f) All disposable items, including cotton swabs, tissues, tongue depressors, spatulas and cellulose sponges, plastic or saran
wraps, and gauze used by an esthetician or esthetics student in a cosmetology school shall be disposed of after serving a customer.
(g) Spatulas shall be used by an esthetician or an esthetics student in a cosmetology school in dispensing all products.
(h) Lancets used by an esthetician or an esthetics student in a cosmetology school shall be disposed of in a lancet safety device
(waste container) after serving a customer. (State Board of Cosmetology Examiners; 820 IAC 3-2-9; filed Dec 3, 1991, 11:00 a.m.:
15 IR 567; filed May 4, 2001, 11:16 a.m.: 24 IR 2684; readopted filed May 22, 2001, 9:56 a.m.: 24 IR 3236)
56 a.m.: 24 IR 3236)






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