R4-10-112. Infection Control and Safety Standards
A. Establishments, including all areas of employment, passageways,
storerooms, and service rooms, shall be well lighted and ventilated.
These areas and dispensary fixtures shall be kept in an orderly,
clean, and sanitary condition. There shall be a direct entrance
into the licensed establishment. The entrance shall not be through
living quarters. If connected to a residence, all doors and passageways
between living quarters and the licensed establishment shall be
closed. A licensed establishment shall not be used for living purposes
or other residential use.
B. All supplies, equipment, tools, or implements used in performing
aesthetics, cosmetology, or nail technology services that contact
a person's skin or hair, except wax used for other than depilatory
purposes, shall be either discarded, or cleaned and disinfected
as provided in subsections (D), (E), and (F), after each contact.
The disinfectant used shall be an Environmental Protection Agency
registered, hospital grade, bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
that is mixed and used according to the manufacturer's directions.
A chlorine bleach disinfectant shall be permitted to clean and disinfect
counters and linens.
C. All supplies, equipment, tools, and implements shall be kept
clean, disinfected, free from defects, and in good repair. Cutting
equipment shall be kept sharp.
D. Each establishment shall have the following set up at all times
during business hours:
1. A covered, wet disinfectant container made of glass, stainless
steel, or the type of container recommended by the manufacturer
of the product it contains. The disinfectant shall be the type specified
in R4-10-109(B). The solution shall be mixed and used according
to manufacturer's instructions for dilution and immersion time.
The container shall be large enough to completely immerse all combs,
brushes, and other tools or implements used by licensees and shall
contain the appropriate amount of solution for the number of items
to be disinfected. The disinfectant shall be changed whenever necessary
as determined by manufacturer's instructions or when visibly cloudy
or contaminated, whichever first occurs. A separate covered container
with wet disinfectant shall be maintained for each nail technician
and aesthetician during nail technology and aesthetic procedures,
large enough to completely immerse the contact areas of all nail
technology and aesthetic tools or implements. The disinfectant shall
be changed between clients.
2. Covered containers that are disinfected and dry to store disinfected
tools and implements.
3. Written emergency procedures and a first-aid kit readily accessible
to all people working in the establishment. The first-aid kit shall
contain small bandages, gauze, and antiseptic.
4. Hot and cold running water for work and sanitary purposes. Drinking
water shall also be supplied for clients and employees that complies
with state and local health department requirements.
5. Garbage containers, which shall be emptied, cleaned, and disinfected
daily. These containers shall not leak.
6. Soiled linen containers that are ventilated. Clean towels, robes,
or gowns shall be provided for each client and shall be laundered
after every use. Laundered towels, robes, or gowns shall be stored
in cabinets with tight-fitting doors, kept closed to protect linens
from dust and dirt. All linens shall be disinfected during the wash
cycle using detergent and bleach.
7. Ventilation and air filtration system capable of four to 10 air
changes per hour. Ventilation shall be designed to provide free
flow of air to each room, in proportion to the size, use, and capacity
of the room, to prevent the build-up of emissions and particulates,
to keep odors and diffusions from chemicals and solutions at a safe
level, and to provide sufficient air circulation and oxygen. Ventilation
may be by natural or mechanical means.
E. Plastic, rubber, natural bristles, nail files, clipper attachments,
aesthetic sponges, wood, and pedicure bins shall be thoroughly cleaned,
disinfected, and dried between each client, as follows:
1. Pre-clean with soap and water to remove hair, filings, or other
2. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a clean towel;
3. Disinfect according to R4-10-109(D)(1);
4. Rinse and dry thoroughly; and
5. Keep clean according to R4-10-109(D)(2).
F. All tools or implements shall be disinfected by complete immersion
after each use. Tools or implements shall be removed from the disinfectant
using tongs, baskets, or any manner that does not contaminate the
disinfectant solution, and placed on a clean dry towel for air drying.
Tools or implements that contact skin, but cannot be immersed into
disinfectant because they are electrical, shall be wiped or sprayed
with a type of disinfectant listed in R4-10-109(A) after each use.
G. Separate containers shall be used for soiled linens and for garbage.
All clean linens shall be kept in a clean, closed cabinet or container.
Only clean linens or new disposable linens shall be used on each
client. Clients shall be protected from direct contact with shampoo
bowls or items used to protect clients' clothing by the use of clean
towels or protective neck strips.
H. Counters and work areas shall be disinfected after each client.
Hair and nail clippings shall be discarded immediately after each
I. Each establishment shall have at least one restroom for employees'
and clients' use. All rest rooms shall be kept clean and sanitary
at all times and shall have a wash basin, hot and cold running water,
and an adequate supply of toilet paper, liquid soap, and disposable
towels. Rest rooms shall not be used for storing materials other
than rest room supplies, unless they are placed in a locked cabinet.
J. Students, licensees, and employees shall thoroughly wash their
hands and the exposed portions of their arms with soap and warm
water, or use a wet disinfectant approved for use on the skin, before
providing services to each client, after smoking, drinking, or using
the rest room. Services shall not be performed by a licensee who
has a contagious disease of a nature that may be transmitted by
performing the service unless the licensee takes medically approved
measures to prevent transmission of the disease. Services shall
not be performed to an individual who has a contagious disease of
a nature that may be transmitted by the performing of the services.
1. In the event of a wound, licensees and employees shall stop service
and, before returning to service, clean the wound with an antiseptic
solution, cover the wound with a sterile bandage, and, if the licensee's
or employee's wound is in an area that could be covered by a glove
or finger cover, wear a clean, fluid-proof protective glove or finger
cover, or wear gloves on both hands if the wound is on the client.
2. Licensees and employees shall wear, clean, fluid-proof protective
gloves while performing any service if any bodily discharge is present
from the licensee, employee, or client or if any discharge is likely
to occur from the client because of services being performed.
3. Blood-stained tissue, cotton, or other blood-contaminated material
shall be placed in a sealed plastic bag and that plastic bag shall
be placed into another plastic bag, which is labeled with a red
or orange biohazard warning and discarded.
4. All equipment, tools, and implements that have come in contact
with blood or body fluids shall be disinfected before continued
service by complete immersion in an Environmental Protection Agency
registered, hospital grade, and tuberculocidal disinfectant that
is mixed and used according to the manufacturer's directions.
K. All products that are used on more than one client shall be stored
in a labeled, clean, closed container and dispensed using a disinfected
spatula or in another manner that does not contaminate the remaining
contents of the product. Once dispensed, a product may not be returned
to the original container or used on another client.
L. All trays, floors, walls, chairs, headrests, footrests, tools,
and other implements shall have a cleanable surface and shall be
free from dust, dirt, and other foreign material. Headrests and
footrests shall be covered with a clean towel or new disposable
towel for each client. Shampoo bowls shall be kept clean and disinfected
and drains shall be kept free running.
M. Product containers, including water, shall be labeled to identify
contents. All chemicals shall be labeled and stored in compliance
with state and local laws and manufacturer's instructions to ensure
identification and protection against fires, fumes, contamination,
or corrosion of containers. Corroded containers shall be immediately
N. Services shall be performed safely to protect the licensee and
clients. Double bracing shall be used around the eyes, ears, lips,
fingers, and toes. Clips or other implements shall not be placed
in mouths or pockets.
O. Birds and animals, except for fish aquariums and seeing-eye or
hearing-ear dogs, shall be prohibited in establishments.
P. Powder puffs, styptic pencils, lump alum, and the reuse of end
papers and depilatory wax are prohibited. Dermaplane procedures,
blades, knives, lancets, and any tool that invades the skin shall
not be used in a salon or school. Nippers may be used only to remove
loose cuticles. Only chemical peels containing a maximum of 2% phenol
and 37 to 40% neutralized glycolic acid may be used.
Q. All establishments shall comply with federal and state occupational
safety and health requirements.
R. A client's personal cosmetology implements or tools are subject
to these rules.
S. All clients' hair and scalp shall be examined before hair services
are provided to determine if any conditions are present that warrant
shampooing before providing services, or whether to proceed with
T. Leather storage pouches shall not be used to store disinfected
tools or implements.
U. Nail technology licensees and clients shall wash their hands
with soap and warm water or wipe with disinfectant, or waterless
hand cleanser approved for use on skin, prior to service. Prior
to a pedicure, the client's feet shall be cleansed with soap and
warm water or wiped with a disinfectant approved for use on skin.
V. Prior to aesthetics services, licensees shall wash their hands
with soap and warm water or wipe with a disinfectant or waterless
hand cleanser approved for use on skin.
W. Instructors in a school shall wash their hands with soap and
warm water or wipe with a disinfectant approved for use on skin
prior to checking student services on clients.
X. Sharp cosmetology tools and implements shall be sealed in a rigid,
puncture-proof container and disposed of in a manner to keep licensees
and clients safe.