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General Information

State of Oregon
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Oregon Tattooing & Body Piercing




Compliance With All Applicable Regulations; Facility Standards

(1) Facility license holders shall observe and be subject to all Health Division and other state regulations pertaining to public health and safety. Compliance with building, state fire, plumbing, and electrical regulations is required.

(2) In addition, when an employee/employer relationship exists, facility license holders shall comply with ORS 654 and the Oregon Safe Employment Act.

(3) The cleanliness and sanitation of any common area of separately licensed facilities in one premise is the responsibility of each license holder on that premises and any violation found in the common area will be cited against all facility licenses posted on the premises.

(4) Facilities shall have an operatory or designated service area according to the type of services being performed as defined in OAR 331-205-0020(17).

(5) Facilities shall use and maintain appropriate equipment for providing body piercing services at the place of business. Equipment includes but is not limited to:

(a) Piercing gun of non-porous material which is able to be disinfected;

(b) Single-use stainless steel needles;

(c) Sterilization bags with color strip indicator;

(f) Protective disposable gloves;

(e) Single-use towels, tissues or paper products;

(g) Sharps container; and

(h) Approved equipment for cleaning and sterilizing instruments.

(6) Products and instruments are prohibited from being used in a manner that is disapproved by the Oregon Health Division or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

(7) Facilities shall be kept clean and orderly, and equipment shall be maintained in good repair.

(8) All surfaces, including counters, tables, equipment, client chairs or recliners in service areas shall be made of smooth, non- absorbent and non-porous material.

(9) Surfaces or blood spills shall be cleaned using an EPA-registered high-level disinfectant, used according to the manufacturer's instructions.

(10) Disposable products that come in contact with the area(s) to be pierced shall be stored in closeable clean containers.

(11) Clean, sterilized re-usable instruments shall be stored in clean, sterilized containers.

(12) New or disinfected piercing gun tools shall be stored separately from used or soiled tools or instruments.

(13) Chemicals shall be stored in labeled, closed containers.

(14) Clean linens or single-use disposable paper products, and single-use piercing needles, piercing studs and protective gloves shall be used for each client.

(15) Used linens shall be disposed of or stored in a closed or covered container until laundered.

(16) Facilities shall have easy access to a sink with hot and cold running water, as part of surrounding premises or adjacent to the facility but separate from a public restroom.

(17) Lavatories located within the facilities shall be kept clean and in good working order at all times.

(18) All waste material related to body piercing shall be deposited in a covered container following service for each client.

(19) All public places in a facility shall be governed under the Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act as it appears in ORS 433.835 through 433.875, as amended and in effect September 9, 1995.

(20) Pets or other animals shall not be permitted in the business facility. This prohibition does not apply to registered therapy animals, trained guide animals for the disabled, sightless or hearing impaired, or fish or reptiles in aquariums.


Approved Sterilization Modes; Procedures

(1) Facilities shall sterilize all piercing instruments listed in OAR 331-205-0020(13) which have or may come into direct contact with a client's skin or be exposed to blood or bodily fluid.

(2) Piercing needles shall not be re-used even if cleaned and sterilized by use of an autoclave. All piercing needles shall be single-use.

(3) Approved modes of sterilization include:

(a) Use of autoclave (steam or chemical) sterilizer, registered and listed with the federal Food and Drug Administration, which is used, cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer's directions; or

(b) Single-use prepackaged sterilized instruments obtained from suppliers or manufacturers.

(4) Facilities using an autoclave for instrument sterilization shall test the device on a monthly basis for functionality and thorough sterilization. Chemical and biological indicator test results shall be available at the facility at all times for inspection by the Division enforcement officers. Testing shall be conducted as follows:

(a) Chemical indicators (color change) to assure sufficient temperature and proper functioning of equipment during sterilization cycle; and

(b) Biological monitoring system (commercial preparation of spores) to assure all microorganisms have been destroyed and sterilization achieved.

(5) Instruments approved for re-use in providing piercing services shall be cleaned prior to sterilizing by brushing or swabbing to remove foreign material or debris, rinsing, then:

(a) Immersing in detergent and water in an ultrasonic unit that operates at 40 to 60 kilohertz, followed by a thorough rinsing and wiping; or

(b) Submerging and soaking in a protein dissolving detergent/enzyme cleaner, followed by a thorough rinsing and wiping.

(6) Instruments approved for re-use in providing piercing services shall be cleaned according to subsection (5) of this rule and placed in sterile bags, with color strip indicators, and sterilized by exposure to one cycle of an approved sterilizer.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 690.510, ORS 690.520 & Ch. 562, OL 1995, effective 9-9-95
Stats. Implemented: ORS 690.540 & ORS 690.570
Hist.: HDLB 1-1996, f. & cert. ef. 4-1-96

For the complete code click here




For assistance call and ask for
Andy, Miriam, Andrea, Joan, Shlomo,
Chuck, Ermani, James, or Alin
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