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Alfa Medical
265 Post Ave
Westbury, NY 11590
Email us 1-800-801-9934
Fax 516-977-7434
Europe (UK #) 44-203-411-9907 International 516-301-5567

General Information

State of Ohio
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Ohio Veterinary - Sterilization Guidelines


If surgery is performed, appropriate surgical facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with accepted surgical practices. A suitably equipped surgical area shall
include, but is not limited to, the following:

(A) A means for effective sterilization of instruments, drapes, gloves, gowns or similar items.

(B) A Sink with running water suitable for scrubbing and other surgical preparation.

(C) An operating light of sufficient power to assure clear illumination of the operative field.

(D) Instruments and drapes appropriate for the surgical procedure.

(E) Emergency lighting.

(F) Instruments and equipment for assisted ventilation.

(G) Immediate access to emergency drugs and equipment.

(H) An oxygen delivery system.

(I) If gas anesthesia is used, an appropriate and adequate scavenging system must be in place.

(J) The surgery area shall be clean and orderly, with construction and ventilation designed to avoid contamination. The surgery area shall be suitable for the surgical
procedures which will be performed, and shall be constructed of impervious material which can be adequately maintained and disinfected.

Click here for more information in ragards to ...
..."Minimum standards of sanitary and hygienic methods to be used in the care and treatment of animals"



For assistance call and ask for
Andy, Miriam, Andrea, Joan, Shlomo,
Chuck, Ermani, James, or Alin
Email Us
