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General Information

State of New Mexico
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New Mexico Body Art Sterilization Guidelines

State Of New Mexico

Albuquerque City Ordinance

Chapter 11, Article 5

§ 11-5-1 SHORT TITLE.
This article may be cited as the "Body Art Ordinance."

(Ord. 33-1998)

(A) All non-disposable instruments used for body art shall be cleaned thoroughly after each use by scrubbing with an antimicrobial soap solution and hot water or an appropriate disinfectant to remove blood and tissue residue and placed in an ultrasonic unit which shall remain on the premises of the body art establishment and which will be operated in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.

(B) After cleaning, all non-disposable instruments used for body art shall be packed individually in paper peel-packs and sterilized. All paper peel-packs shall contain either a sterilizer indicator or internal temperature indicator. Properly packaged, sterilized and stored equipment can be stored no more than one year. Paper peel-packs must be dated with an expiration date not to exceed one year. Sterile equipment may not be used after the expiration date without first repackaging and resterilizing.

(C) All non-disposable instruments used for body art shall be sterilized in an autoclave at the body art establishment. Off site sterilization is prohibited. The sterilizer shall be used, cleaned, and maintained according to manufacturer's instructions.
A copy of the manufacturer's recommended procedures for the operation of the sterilization unit must be
available for inspection by the Department.

(D) Each holder of a permit to operate a body art establishment shall demonstrate that the sterilizer used is capable of attaining sterilization by monthly spore destruction tests. These tests shall be verified through an independent laboratory. The
permit shall not be issued or renewed until documentation of the sterilizer's ability to destroy spores is received by the Department. These test records shall be retained by the operator for a period of three years and provided to the Department upon request.

(E) After sterilization, the instrument used for body art, tattooing or body piercing shall be stored in a dry, clean cabinet or other tightly covered container reserved for the storage of such instruments.

For the complete code click here


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