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Alfa Medical
265 Post Ave
Westbury, NY 11590
Email us 1-800-801-9934
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General Information

State of Minnesota
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Minnesota Body Art Sterilization Guidelines

Aseptic Techniques
A tattooist should take precautions to prevent the spread of infection, including: use germicidal soap to clean the hands of the tattooist and the skin area of the client to be tattooed; dry hands with single use paper towels or some sort of mechanical (air) dryer; artists with communicable diseases may not tattoo; food, drink, and smoking are not allowed in the work area; wear clean apparel and rubber gloves; use sterile tools and equipment; all clean and ready-to-use instruments, dyes should be kept in a closed container or storage cabinet while not in use; only disposable needles should be used in the tattooing process, and a new needle or set of needles should be used on each patron; autoclaving should be used for sterilization of the needle bar tube and needle bar of the tattoo machine before use on each patron. The needle bar tube of the tattooing machine should be cleaned after each use and before being sterilized for use with the next patron; all sharps, including the needles after removal from the needle bar, should be stored and disposed of in containers that are rigid, puncture-resistant, and leak-proof when in an upright position; blood and body fluid precautions should be practiced by the tattoo artist when the potential for contact with body and blody fluids exists in any procedure; keep the tattoo studio in a sanitary condition.

Some records you might expect your tattooist to maintain: A tattooist should maintain a permanent record of each person tattooed for a minimum of two years, including; name, address, phone number, date of birth, and their signature; signed consent forms required; parental consent forms required for minors; verbal instructions for wound care required.

Tools and Equipment
A tattooist should use tools and equipment for tattooing that have been properly sterilized and kept in a sterile condition. A tattooist should sterilize tools and equipment used on one client before using them on another client;
the use of defective, dull, or rusty equipment is banned; Tools and equipment should be sterilized by: dry heating in an oven at 320 degrees Fahrenheit for at least one hour; or steam pressure treatment in an autoclave; All needles and instruments shall be kept in a clean, dust-tight containers when not in use.

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Andy, Miriam, Andrea, Joan, Shlomo,
Chuck, Ermani, James, or Alin
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