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Alfa Medical
265 Post Ave
Westbury, NY 11590
Email us 1-800-801-9934
Fax 516-977-7434
Europe (UK #) 44-203-411-9907 International 516-301-5567

General Information

State of Kansas
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Kansas Hospital Infection Control Guidelines

28-34-13. Central sterilizing and supply.

(a) Policies and procedures shall be established in writing for storage, maintenance, and distribution of supplies and equipment.

(c) Sterilizers and autoclaves shall be provided of appropriate type and necessary capacity to adequately sterilize instruments, utensils, dressings, water, operating and delivery room materials, as well as laboratory equipment and supplies. The sterilizers shall have approved control and safety features. The accuracy of instruments shall be checked periodically by an approved method. Adequate surveillance methods for checking sterilization procedures shall be employed.

(d) The date of sterilization or date of expiration shall be marked on all sterile supplies, and unused items shall be resterilized in accordance with written policies.



For assistance call and ask for
Andy, Miriam, Andrea, Joan, Shlomo,
Chuck, Ermani, James, or Alin
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